Graph Paper

Using graph paper templates is a better alternative compared to going to the stationery and buying graph papers in person. These templates are available online and can be accessed easily. Our templates are also editable and printable on any device using a number of editing software tools.

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The first variation came into existence after it was patented by Dr. Buxton of England in 1794. It was later in the 1890s when E.H. Moore, from the University of Chicago, transformed the first variant into what we see and use today.

Graph papers are of many different types and are required to be equipped in a number of different fields like mathematics, engineering, fashion designing, architecture, physics, astronomy, astrophysics, and many more. Graph papers are known by different names for various usage purposes, like, grid paper, coordinate paper, etc. It is available in many variations for different fields of study, such as log, isometric, hexagonal, engineering pad, quadrille paper, etc.

Here we have created and designed templates that fit the description of the role they play as a base for measuring and tracing the collected data or the constructed design.


Q. What is graph paper?

Ans. A graph paper is a sheet of paper that is made of grids that represent a particular scaling measure to draw and plot figures and points, to accommodate a set of data, commuted from research, surveys, experiments, etc. Depending on your need and requirement, feel free to browse through our collection of these Templates to take your pick.

Q. What does graph paper look like?

Ans. Graph paper can be different for different purposes. The most common kind that you can easily find is the square grid, with green grid lines, and a white background kind. However, we have kept in mind the usage variation of a graph and hence, we have curated for you a range of templates from Isometric to Hexagonal and Logarithmic Graph Paper Templates.

Q. What is the standard size of graph paper?

Ans. The most common and general standard size of a graphing paper grid is 8-1/2 x 11 inches. However, we offer you templates that are completely editable. You can adjust the measurement of the grid in the template you choose and easily print them for use for your work, school assignments, etc.

Q. Where to buy graph paper?

Ans. Graph papers are quite easily available in markets and local stationery shops. However, there are times when they are out of stock or not the kind that you require. Hence, we are here to help you get your desired graph paper at the click of your fingers so that you can save yourself the trip to the store and print a graph paper that is exactly what you need and what can make your work or assignment easier. We have a range of collections of editable and printable Graph Paper Templates which you can use whenever and from wherever you need.

Q. Where can I buy graph paper?

Ans. All the stationery shops and markets have different prices for different types of graph papers and at times these shops don’t have all the kinds of graphs that are there. To solve this problem we have curated Templates which you can download at a very cheap and affordable price, which are the same for each and every template that we have to offer.

Q. Where can I print graph paper for free?

Ans. All our templates are easy to print and ready to use. They are available to you for access after their purchase from our website directly, from where you can download them and print them whenever you need them. These templates also come with a customization option that allows you to edit the scale and grid lines, grid line color, and background color of the template as well.

Q. How to draw a regular hexagon on graph paper?

Ans. A hexagonal graph is a widely used graph in the fields of mathematics and software engineering. To compute your data on a graph sheet, you can use our Hexagon Printable Template which is also available in PDF format. All you have to do is to plot your points which have been gathered from the collected data, on the hexagonal grid of this template and connect the points to form the hexagonal shape that you desire.

Q. How to draw hexagons on graph paper?

Ans. A hexagon is an easy shape that can be drawn on graph paper.

1. To begin with, you need to set an origin point or the center point for the hexagon on the graph.

2. After that, you measure the desired radius from that point, and draw a circle.

3. Once the circle is drawn, you need to divide it into quadrants, and make tangent lines at the point of intersection.

4. Now all that is left to do is to connect these tangent lines with each other. Once all the tangent lines are drawn, you can erase the quadrant lines, the circle, and the rest, and you will be left with your hexagon.

Q. How to make graph paper in excel?

Ans. Making in an excel sheet is a great way to customize the grid lines to your liking. Here is a step-by-step guide to creating a graph out of your Excel.

1. Open a blank excel worksheet.

2. Select the entire page.

3. Right-click on any row, and from the pop-up menu, select ‘Row Height’ and type ‘12’ in the column, and click ‘OK’.

4. Right-click on any column and from the pop-up menu, select ‘Column Width’ and type ‘0.5’ in all the dimensions.

5. In the same dimensions menu, there is a section ‘Center on Page’. Select both ‘Horizontal’ and ‘Vertical’ options and click ‘OK’.

To make things easier for you, we have designed a quality Graph Paper Template for you to use for your graphing needs. All you need to do is download the template in whichever format you require, like Excel or PDF, and print them for your use.

Q. How to draw with graph paper?

Ans. Structuring your design on a measured scale and drawing the design altogether, gives the drawing a great perspective with eye-pleasing properties. Using one of our templates such as the Dotted Grid Paper Template helps you with making your designs precise to measurement and symmetric in all aspects.

Q. How to draw on graph paper?

Ans. Drawing on a graph is easier if you have all the necessary information and data, which can be converted into plotting points for the graph. Once the points are plotted and connected, you get a structural figure that is good to go.

When it comes to art, with a dotted grid is the most helpful paper that can be used as a base for your design. For this, you can use our Dotted Grid Graph Paper Template.

Q. How to lay out a room on graph paper?

Ans. Architecture is one of the many fields that require a graph so that the measurements are upto scale and the design of the layout of the room or building is accurate and suitable for construction. As an architect who is planning a room layout, you must use our Architecture Template as it allows you to customize and set the measuring scale as per your requirements and also lets you adjust and move your layout options around on the template in online settings and can also be used similarly after printing.

Q. How to print graph paper?

Ans. Our graphing templates are easy to print and ready to use. All you have to do is to pick the templates you require, from our wide range of collections of carefully curated and designed templates. Our templates are available to download after checkout and payment, for you to use as per your needs. These templates are available at cheap and affordable prices and are completely customizable and easy to edit into.

Q. How to use graph paper?

Ans. Graph papers are quite easy to use when you have proper guidance from your supervisor or teacher as to what measurements you need to use. However, if you are using it for the first time and without any prior knowledge, then you don’t have to worry. Our templates come with instructions along with examples that tell you and teach you how to use that particular graphing template.

Q. How to draw blueprints on graph paper?

Ans. To draw blueprints, you can use our Dotted Grid Graph Paper to structure your design of the layout and finalize the blueprint altogether. In this template, you get multiple options for customizing the layout, changing directions, removing or adding more placements in your design, etc. This template is available for use at an affordable price and is downloadable in PDF and word format.

Q. How to draw letters on graph paper?

Ans. Children need to learn the alphabet as a foundation of their entire educational career. To make learning and writing of these letters easier, we suggest you use our Colored Grid Paper Template. It is suitable for trace writing as well as self practicing for children. You can print this template for a minimal price and get your child to start writing on it with the help of stencils which are available at the time of editing the template.

Q. How to draw pixel art on graph paper?

Ans. Pixel art is quite popular among artists and also children. Our Graph Paper template is quite useful when you wish to create a pixel art for yourself. Here are the steps you can follow –

1. Purchase and download our Graph Paper Template on your device.

2. Open the template and trace your chosen design on the template.

3. Outline the design in the grid.

4. Start coloring the grid boxes of the outline of the design.

5. You can now fill in the grid boxes of the design as you need them colored.

6. Make sure you color the boxes with one single color to make sure the drawing comes out as a pixelated one.

Q. How to make graph paper in a word?

Ans. It is a good choice to make your very own graph paper in the world. However, it is very time-consuming and tedious to do so, step by step. To make it easier for you to use a graph of your convenience, we have a range of customizable graph paper templates which you can use whenever you want. These templates are easy to edit and ready to use and are available in Word format which is supported on all device types.

Q. How to use graph paper to draw to scale?

Ans. Graph paper is one of the best tools when it comes to designing and drawing a structure that needs to be built in real life. For example, while designing a building, you can measure the scale by downsizing the actual measurements to a scale that will fit the graph paper, for suppose, 1 meter can be reduced to 1 cm to measure and design the building on the graph paper to check the structure and symmetry.